Greetings Terrans, I hope this finds you all well. I’m quite excited to get this post out today because I’m starting a new warband – this time dedicated to Slaanesh! First things first, I rolled up a Champion as per the RoC books. I actually ended up with a pretty tame roll – a Level 5 wizard with +2 Will and invisibility… My Nurgle & Tzeentch Champions were both quite distinctive & so required converting to look right, but this Slaaneshi Champ has no visible mutations, attributes or gifts, and is about as vanilla as it could possibly be! A lot depended on the base model choice, but luckily the Hedonites range from GW is pretty damn fine so I requested a ‘Shardspeaker’ for my last Birthday. I did some slight conversion work to give her a fancy sword, grabbed some fresh purple & pink paints (because Slaanesh), and got stuck in… Happy to present Keshala Glimmer-Tongue, Sorceress of Slaanesh, the blissful arch-subverter & superlative blade:

I need to tidy that left hand up now I see it in extreme close-up, but I’m pretty pleased. I’ve never painted anything for the Prince of Pleasure before, but you can’t go wrong with a classic pink/purple/gold theme I reckon – I’m particularly pleased with the metallic pink armour! I used spots of green, red and yellow to add interest, and went with bluey-grey smoke from the staff (kinda hinting at the ‘invisibility’ attribute I rolled for her).

Next, I rolled up Keshala’s starting warband – 4 harpies, 4 Beastmen and 15 humans, so a pretty solid base to work from. There was one model I particularly wanted to get painted, the Warhammer+ Chaos Sorcerer ‘Mibyllorr Darkfang’ & her attendant familiars:

I like that she’s a bit scrappy, is low-key mutated, and has a very different vibe compared to Keshala, and I painted her slightly darker to lean into that less polished look. She’s such a great character, and I’m definitely counting her as the first of Keshala’s 15 human followers – I can just imagine her being a jealous rival to Keshala, constantly scheming to usurp her leadership of the warband. They even pose well together!

The Familiars also deserve a mention – they are just so cool & great fun to paint, with the mini-knight being the pick of the bunch.

Anyway, that’s all for this week. My studies are starting to ramp up again & I have a number of weeks away for various reasons in the coming months, but I’ll try and keep up with the painting as best I can & keep this blog ticking over.