Realm of Warcry; Chapter 3 – part 1

Greetings Terrans, I have a bit of progress to share on my Slaaneshi warband – a trio of human followers courtesy of the Dread Pageant warband from the Underworlds range. First up, ‘Vasillac the Gifted’ (fnarr fnarr!):

Stupid name aside, he’s an imposing model, well over average height for a human, and nicely posed. No conversion work here, and I continued with the colour scheme I established on Keshala and Mibyllorr, so nothing really to say other than I’m pretty pleased with how he turned out.

Next, ‘Glissete’ and ‘Hadzu’:

More of the same for these two, with similarly pleasing results. Here they are together:

And the warband so far:

You can see how much Vasillac towers over the other humans in the warband! Truly, he is gifted!

Anyway, that’s it for this post – short and to the point, like the imp in the picture above. The next several weeks are going to be a bit disrupted with work & study, but I’m hoping to have chance to chip away at some more warband members here and there. I’ll keep you posted!

Realm of Warcry; Chapter 3 – Beginings

Greetings Terrans, I hope this finds you all well. I’m quite excited to get this post out today because I’m starting a new warband – this time dedicated to Slaanesh! First things first, I rolled up a Champion as per the RoC books. I actually ended up with a pretty tame roll – a Level 5 wizard with +2 Will and invisibility… My Nurgle & Tzeentch Champions were both quite distinctive & so required converting to look right, but this Slaaneshi Champ has no visible mutations, attributes or gifts, and is about as vanilla as it could possibly be! A lot depended on the base model choice, but luckily the Hedonites range from GW is pretty damn fine so I requested a ‘Shardspeaker’ for my last Birthday. I did some slight conversion work to give her a fancy sword, grabbed some fresh purple & pink paints (because Slaanesh), and got stuck in… Happy to present Keshala Glimmer-Tongue, Sorceress of Slaanesh, the blissful arch-subverter & superlative blade:

I need to tidy that left hand up now I see it in extreme close-up, but I’m pretty pleased. I’ve never painted anything for the Prince of Pleasure before, but you can’t go wrong with a classic pink/purple/gold theme I reckon – I’m particularly pleased with the metallic pink armour! I used spots of green, red and yellow to add interest, and went with bluey-grey smoke from the staff (kinda hinting at the ‘invisibility’ attribute I rolled for her).

Next, I rolled up Keshala’s starting warband – 4 harpies, 4 Beastmen and 15 humans, so a pretty solid base to work from. There was one model I particularly wanted to get painted, the Warhammer+ Chaos Sorcerer ‘Mibyllorr Darkfang’ & her attendant familiars:

I like that she’s a bit scrappy, is low-key mutated, and has a very different vibe compared to Keshala, and I painted her slightly darker to lean into that less polished look. She’s such a great character, and I’m definitely counting her as the first of Keshala’s 15 human followers – I can just imagine her being a jealous rival to Keshala, constantly scheming to usurp her leadership of the warband. They even pose well together!

The Familiars also deserve a mention – they are just so cool & great fun to paint, with the mini-knight being the pick of the bunch.

Anyway, that’s all for this week. My studies are starting to ramp up again & I have a number of weeks away for various reasons in the coming months, but I’ll try and keep up with the painting as best I can & keep this blog ticking over.

Realm of Warcry; Chapter 1, conclusion

Greetings Terrans, I hope you are well. I’ve been continuing to tie up loose ends from my Primed pile, and ended up finishing the last two models I had earmarked for my Tzeentch warband. First up is the Magister of Tzeentch from the ‘Eyes of the Nine’ warband for Warhammer Underworlds:

He was a ton of fun to paint up, with plenty of scope to play with metallics on the skin, armour and feathers. He keeps the blue armour and orange cloth common to the rest of the warband.

Next up was a more challenging paint job – the Gaunt Summoner from the Silver Tower set:

This guy was quite intimidating to paint, but actually worked out pretty well I reckon. Again, I used loads of metallics, but I mixed in a bit of (hopefully subtle) OSL for the magic effect. I’m also pleased with the red I used for all the eyes, and I feel that adds to the overall look of the model.

Anyway, that rounds out the warband for now, and brings the total number of Tzeentch spellcasters up to six:

So that’s my Nurgle & Tzeentch warbands effectively done for the time being… Catch you next time for the start of a brand new warband!