Greetings Terrans, quite a quick post today – just a few ‘Brimstone Horrors’ painted up quickly. They are the lowest ranked of the Tzeentch Daemon stable, and they will be loosely affiliated to my Tzeentch Warband. That said, I am not that excited about including Daemons in Warcry, so really this is just a case of getting these done to complete the Silver Tower set.

The first two pairs are from the Silver Tower set, while the last pair are duplicates from the Eyes of the Nine warband:


They were pretty undemanding to paint – just messing about with yellow, orange and red Contrast paints really! They aren’t anything amazing, but they will do. Here they are as a group, and with Scynir.


That’s all for this post – more Daemons of Tzeentch on the way!