Greetings Terrans, I have a very brief post to share today – a tiny bit of progress on my Slaaneshi warband. I need about 11 more humans to add to the roster, and looking over my hoard, I thought this might be the perfect opportunity to tackle the Unmade warband from the initial Warcry run. These pervs are all about the pleasure/pain, and they seemed like a good fit. They look pretty damn cool too, so I got stuck in, all enthusiastic like… Well… turns out they are absolute sods to build, handle, paint, and (I suspect) store & transport. They are fiddly, flimsy, and generally a f***ing pain… but to be fair, they do look cool :-)

So far I’ve only managed to finish the leader, with the rest of the warband in various states of WIP. Here he/she/they is – see what you think:

The very observant might notice that the hook hands have been repositioned… This was absolutely planned, and nothing whatsoever to do with me bending them during painting, then trying and failing to straighten them, and then snapping them off in frustration… no sir, that definitely didn’t happen… :-|

Here he/she/they are with the new gaffer:

One down, eight to go – hopefully I’ll manage to crank some out over the weekend!

Have a good one :-)