Greetings Terrans, just a very quick one today, and a bit of a random thing. My mate Mark, (from Heresyofus), recently 3D printed a nice little Warcry dice tray, but branded it especially for my lil’ ‘Realm of Warcry’ project. I fancied a quick and easy paint job, so seemed like a good thing to do over a few relaxed hours. I went for a quartered design, with each corner representing one of the big four Chaos powers:

Obviously crusty green for Nurgle, and gory red for Khorne. Tzeentch gets the sparkly blue corner, and Slaanesh is represented in purple. For the record, the blobs in the purple corner are meant to be gems, but yes, I know they look like bodily fluids… I should probably paint over them, but hey, it’s Slaanesh.

Anyway, that’s about it for this week – nice and quick :-)