Greetings Terrans, more Tzeentchy stuff to share today – 5 shiny new Blue Horrors to add to one that I painted around this time last year. As before, the duplicates have been converted a bit to add variety. First up, 2 pairs from the Silver Tower set:


Plus a pair from the Eyes of the Nine warband (the one with the sceptre was painted last year):


I leaned into the whole ‘made of magic’ thing & painted my Horrors with a metallic effect, mixing in bits of purple and green with the blue to give some variety. Honestly, I’m really happy with how they came out, and I’m looking forward to trying the same approach with their bigger, pinker, equivalent!

As with the Brimstone Horrors, I don’t really have a use for these guys, but they were fun to paint, and at least count towards completing the Silver Tower set, (better late than never I suppose!).

Here’s a shot of the lot & of them posing with Skynir:


That’s all for now folks, I’ll be a bit tied up next week but I’ll try and get the Pinks done before I go :-)