Greetings Terrans, I hope this finds you well! I have another short Tzeentchy/Silver Tower update today – finishing up the Daemonic side of the Silver Tower set with a pair of wibbly pink things:

These are the two Pink Horrors from the ST set, and as with their Blue compadres, these guys got some light converting to try to separate them a little. The paint job followed the same principals as for the Blue Horrors – i.e. a silver drybrush washed over with the appropriate (pink, yellow, red) colours to give a metallic ‘because magic’ sheen.

Here they are with the rest of their Daemonic cohorts, and a final pic with Scynir:


I think they look pretty cool as a group – crazy & colourful, and very Tzeentch!

That’s all for now folks, catch you all soon.