Greetings Terrans, I hope you’re all well! I haven’t had too much hobby time these last few weeks, but luckily I have a good selection of easy minis that are primed & ready to just grab and paint. Among that pile were these wee scamps from the Silver Tower set:

I did a bit of conversion work on the duplicates, just to get a bit of variation – not sure how successful they are tbh, but it’s pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.

I also did these guys:

I couldn’t really see a way to sensibly convert these four, but the painting was fun. The walking books ware a good chance for a spot of freehand, and the fishy things use the same metallic approach as I used on the Horrors a few months ago. I quite like how they came out :-)

While I was in the mood for painting up little things, I also did this Frostgrave (I think) objective marker that I’ve had lying around for ever:

And here’s a final shot of the whole lot together:

And that’s all for now! Hopefully there will be a bit of painting time before Christmas :-)