Greetings Terrans, it has been a while since I posted (again), been away on hols for a bit, plus work & study are both kicking the crap out of me at the moment… Finding the time to do anything else is just so damn difficult! That said, I did make my annual pilgrimage to Newark this past weekend – BOYL is one event I will always do my very best to attend. I has a blast this year, it was great to see so many familiar faces, plus I got to meet some awesome new people too. This year I put my Space Orks and my Praetorian Guard to good use, and I GM’d the ‘Last Stand at Glazer’s Creek’ scenario from WD222 on repeat. I managed to run the scenario three times, with a total of 11 individual games of Rogue Trader played (each run through has a variable number of assaults with each assault being a game). I didn’t get to see much else & I was bloody knackered by the end of the weekend, but it was so worth it. The results were as follows:

1st run through – James H (Orks) vs. Jesper (Praetorians), 5 games total. This was a bit of a practice run, refining rules & adjusting things for balance. Result was a narrow Orky win.

2nd -Paul D (Orks) vs. ‘other Paul’ (Praetorians), 3 games in total. Crushing Ork win – as an inexperienced Guard player, ‘other Paul’ was overwhelmed in the last round & couldn’t hold the farm.

3rd – Chris W (Orks) vs. ‘other Chris’ and Dan (Praetorians), 3 games in total. Narrow Praetorian win – mainly de to some masterful play from ‘other Chris’ in the final assault, (plus a little bit of luck with an out-of-control Ork Dreadnought torching a mob of Boyz!).

There were far too many twists and turns to list here, but suffice it to say that everyone got into the spirit, and this was a great narrative gaming experience. One highlight was having none other than Jervis Johnson (the gaming legend who wrote the scenario back in the day) stop by & chat a bit about the scenario! I was a bit star struck & didn’t dare ask for a photo, but he was a genuinely lovely guy who was so generous with his very limited time there. He probably doesn’t realise it but he made my bloody day 😊  

Here are some pics to hopefully give you a flavour of the game:

The defending force – elements of the Dauntless 215th plus auxiliaries


Ready for the 1st assault of the weekend


Savage Orks closing quickly!


Rogue Trader Arturo Lamina proves his skill in combat


As does Captain Caine


I think this is the start of the final assault of game 3 – look at all those Orks! Faasends of ’em!


This mob of Orks were unimpressed with the imperial mortar fire!


Rogue Trader Lamina at it again


And Capt. Caine doing the same, despite sustaining grievous wounds to overwatch


A heroic (and suicidal) dash over the barricade to deliver a devastating blast of flamer fire


The Orks finally break, with just 5 humans left to defend Glazer’s Creek… Close!



Huge thanks to Jesper & James, Paul & Paul, and Chris, Dan & Chris for being such excellent players – you all made it a great experience with tons of laughs, tension, excitement, and occasional flashes of tactical genius! I hope you lads all enjoyed it as much as I did.